Isaiah Leslie of Regal Court Reporting is an entrepreneur with eight years of experience leading and managing a legal services company, from start-up to established legal industry brand. He’s learned both the hard and the easy lessons of how to grow a business in a competitive legal market. He’s adapted a mixture of online marketing and old fashioned face-to-face networking along with the right technologies to provide the products, services and bandwidth needed to support solo-practitioners up to national AM Law 200 firms. Locally Isaiah is involved in the Irvine Chamber of Commerce and is the incoming chairman of the board. Isaiah is a graduate from and rabid fan of the University of Southern California.
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Fail fast to succeed faster
- Isaiah learned the value of managing cash flow early. They had started the business just before the market peaked in 2007 and then crashed. They had customers going out of business right and left and had problems with cash flow that they had to work around.
Tell us something good
- Hear Isaiah tells us how he learned to put the right people in the right place.
- Isaiah explains that hiring a business consultant who was known as a connector lead to great success for the business.
How do you support a Lawpreneur?
- Regal Court Reporting is a full service court reporting service. They provide interpreters, videographers, video conferencing, remote depositions. Isaiah tells us that they look for what other value Regal Court Reporting can offer their clients.
Favorite Resource
- Gmail
- ProVisors is a community of over 4,000 senior-level trusted advisors, including attorneys, accountants, and financial services professionals, from international, regional and boutique firms. All have the common goal of sharing knowledge and resources to help each other provide exceptional service to their clients.
Favorite Books:
- Outliers: The Story of Success
Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of “outliers”–the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks the question: what makes high-achievers different? His answer is that we pay too much attention to what successful people are like, and too little attention to where they are from: that is, their culture, their family, their generation, and the idiosyncratic experiences of their upbringing.
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Miranda McCroskey – host of Lawpreneur Radio
[…] Regal Court Reporting for deposition services […]