Karolyn Blume is an expert problem solver and a gifted strategist. After a long career in law and mediation, she uses her keen insight as a speaker, writer and consultant. She has served as an adjunct professor at several colleges, and is a founder of “Mediators Beyond Borders International.” She lives and works in the Washington, DC area, where she uses the tools in her book on a daily basis.
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Fail fast to succeed faster
- Karolyn shares that early in her career she learned that asking for help makes thing a lot easier and smoother.
Tell us something good
- Karolyn mediated a large class action case involving doctors and insurance carriers. She helped get the matter resolved which was a huge success for her, the court and the litigants.
Tell us about your book?
- Karolyn’s newly released book
Eat the Elephant: Overcoming Overwhelm
offers her time tested tools to help you overcome the overwhelm in your life. Examples of these tools include:
- If you were brought up in a house where perfection was sought after then your constant chase of perfection will likely lead to overwhelm. Sometimes you have to set aside perfection to complete things.
- Don’t “Should” on yourself. If you have ever said to yourself, “I should do this…” that is a convenient path to overwhelm.
- Set attainable priorities. Choose your top three to do’s for the day and complete them.
Favorite Books:
Eat the Elephant: Overcoming Overwhelm
If you’ve ever felt buried in an endless to-do list, or so busy that you can’t even find your to-do list, you know overwhelm. Overwhelm sucks all the joy out of your days, keeps you stressed out, worried, and feeling behind. It’s become a way of life. Attorney and consultant Karloyn Vreeland Blume shares her time-tested tools for eliminating overwhelm and perfectionism, served up with a dash of laughter. When you finish this book, you’ll have renewed confidence in your ability to not only cope the demands of your busy life, but to master them. A must- read for anyone who is in overwhelm and desperately seeks a usable solution. ~Kathleen Gage, author of Power Up for Profits
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Miranda McCroskey – host of Lawpreneur Radio
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