165: Chris King discusses Issue Resolution and Authentic Presentation with us.

DSC_1776Non-profit volunteering, courier, theater stagecraft, flow meter sales, hotel concierge, restoration and maintenance of natural stone, marketing (for consumer electronics, health care, social media, IT services), digital audio production, musician management and booking, radio and television broadcasting, event emcee, personal and professional coach and completion of a master’s program in spiritual psychology… Yes, this is all part of Chris M. King’s resumé. But he will be the first to tell you that what he has done; is not who he is.
With a gently irreverent style, Chris has an uplifting way of re-framing the conventional and inspiring clients and audiences to consider ideas, both new and old, in unconventional ways. Chris draws forward from his clients their own inner wisdom, inspires them to take action and guides them through implementation. With a fresh perspective and an affinity for improvisation, don’t expect Chris to ever provide a canned experience. As an inspirational speaker, Chris speaks on a wide variety of topics. He’s not shy about talking to teenage boys about what it means to be a man, he’s happy to discuss online dating for singles groups, guide and inspire business owners and their staffs in team building, conflict/issue resolution and communication, and, as a panelist for Allison Armstrong’s Understanding Men seminars, Chris answers the questions women have hesitated to ask of men.
Chris is an avid hiker and outdoor enthusiast. He enjoys participating in extreme obstacle courses like the Spartan Race and the Tough Mudder, supporting the Wounded Warrior Project. He is also a supporter of the Special Olympics and the American Red Cross.
Chris’ intention is to empower clients to achieve their next level of success. He guides and assists them in discovering their own inner wisdom and helps them to remove the barriers that have held them back, allowing them to move forward in the way that is right for them. Chris doesn’t show them THE way; he helps them find THEIR way.

Listen to the podcast

Highlights from the show

  • Success is all about people and authenticity.
  • Presenting from your authentic self gives you the reward of you being received for who you are.
  • The one thing that you can bring to any activity that no one else can bring, is you.
  • The more one brings relationships, and family to their world; the more successful they will be.

Thanks for Listening

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Miranda McCroskey – host of Lawpreneur Radio


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