Bill Nissim is our guest, and he shares what he provides to Lawprenuers, his own entrepreneurial journey, and his advice to you. Bill comes to us from Idea Werks Studios – a marketing consulting and film production company. His background is rooted in marketing strategy, from his work experience at Parker Hannifin and his Master’s degree in marketing communications. He has written two books and 17 published articles on the topic. Bill has produced several company videos and photo-realistic animations for many firms to enhance their corporate messaging.
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Fail fast to succeed faster
- As is true with many (most?) Lawpreneurs and entrepreneurs, we start our own thing after someone else decided it was time we go… Bill says he was “pushed into it,” but it is the best thing he’s ever done.
Tell us something good
- Bill’s company works on a partnership basis. He brings the right people together for the right project. He creates a dream team customized for his clients.
- According to Bill, 100 million people will watch 1.2 billion videos today.
- A Forbes/Google study says that executives are watching more online videos than they did a year ago; 65% will go to a vendors website after watching a video.
- A video allows you to quickly talk about your value proposition in an entertaining and fun way.
- Your shingle is your website. Your number 2 item on your budget should be an explainer video.
- Lawyers can use video in trial – Bill talks about using animation to reconstruct a scene.
What’s on your desk?
- Bill produces videos to promote and market businesses. Like podcasts, videos enhance your Search Engine Optimization and let people get to know you.
Favorite Resource
- Bill relies on You Tube to see what’s trending in video production.
Bill Nissim’s Books:
- Bill’s MBA thesis was about marketing. He synthesized hundreds of marketing reads into his two books.
- The Brand Advocate: A Strategy-Driven Workbook
- Brand Triad: Toolbox for Strategic Brand Assessment and Repositioning
Favorite Quote of the Show and One Minute Clip
“ …eighty percent of corporate executives surveyed are watching more video than they did a year ago…and…65% turned to vendors website after watching videos.
Thanks for Listening
This information is coming to you to inspire you and drive you forward. Be bigger than you know yourself to be! If you haven’t already done so, please take a minute to leave a quick 5-star review rating and honest review on iTunes by clicking here. Miranda McCroskey – host of Lawpreneur Radio
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