What supports a Lawpreneur? Listen in as Adam Ouellette of Inlighten Media Llc shares his Lawpreneurial journey.
As a new attorney 16 years ago, Adam quickly realized that the law profession was not as he envisioned it to be. So, after many years of disdain for the profession and what it had become, he set off on a journey to shift his perception about it all. Many thousands of books, workshops, programs and lots of introspection later, he was able to connect with his life’s purpose, which is not the day to day practice of law. His new book provides a guide for lawyers who would like to find a way to really love what they are presently doing or to find their true calling and love outside the law.
Adam’s book “Raising the Bar” is a guidebook for any lawyer on how they can utilize the “10 Steps to Awakening” to find more balance in their life, a quieter mind, how to connect with their intuition, and move towards a life that is ideal in all aspects.
Ruby Receptionist is the smart and cheerful team of virtual receptionists trained to make a difference in your day. From their offices in Portland, Oregon, they handle your calls with care. They deliver the perfect mix of friendliness, charm, can-do attitude, and professionalism. Best of all, your callers will think they work in your office. Meet them!
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Fail fast to succeed faster
- As a Real Estate Attorney in the crashing real estate market, Adam discovered the work of Gregg Braden
which led him to quantum mechanics and the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know!?“
. He discovered that where your focus goes, things grow. And, from that discovery was able to begin making connections and start growing his business again.
Tell us something good
- Adam discusses the idea that most lawyers are good tacticians and their opportunity for growth is in learning to run a business.
Favorite Books:
The HeartMath Solution: The Institute of HeartMath’s Revolutionary Program for Engaging the Power of the Heart’s Intelligence
Is the heart the missing link in the mind-body connection? By combining age-old philosophy with modern science, Childre and Martin, respectively the founder and an executive consultant of the California nonprofit research organization, Institute of HeartMath make a compelling case for the idea that good health is really a triumph of heart, not mind, over matter.
Favorite Quote of the Show in a One Minute Clip
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This information is coming to you to inspire you and drive you forward. Be bigger than you know yourself to be! If you haven’t already done so, please take a minute to leave a quick 5-star review rating and honest review on iTunes by clicking here. Miranda McCroskey – host of Lawpreneur Radio
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