Deborah Gonzalez, Esq. is an attorney and the founder of Law2sm, LLC, a legal consulting firm focusing on helping its clients navigate the legal and security issues relating to the digital and social media world. Deborah is the co-developer of the Socially Legal Audit® tool that assists a company to ensure that their online activity is in line with state laws, federal laws, and regulatory compliance. She is a sought after speaker, content contributor, and news commentator.
Listen to the podcast
Fail fast to succeed faster
- Hear how Deborah offered many free services in the beginning but felt that in the long run the give-away’s wouldn’t get her clients.
- Deborah tells us that she ultimately figured out that she had to ask for her value to the clients.
Tell us something good
- Deborah tells us that she really enjoys researching the answers to tricky questions and finding out the best way for her clients to manage their concerns.
Tips and Advice:
- Monitor conversations about ourselves; manage our reputations
- You do not need to be on every social media platform; be strategic and select the ones that will enhance your relations and generate leads and referrals
- implement simple steps to protect data
- Use a strong password
- encrypt your data when you can
- Have a specific voice in your online presence; be authentic
- Consider a disclaimer on your social media headers regarding legal advice (see Deborah’s twitter feed).
- Use Online platforms to develop offline relationships
Favorite Books:
- Managing Online Risk: Apps, Mobile, and Social Media Security
In recent years, building a corporate online presence has become nonnegotiable for businesses, as consumers expect to connect with them in as many ways as possible. There are benefits to companies that use online technology, but there are risks as well. Managing Online Risk presents the tools and resources needed to better understand the security and reputational risks of online and digital activity, and how to mitigate those risks to minimize potential losses.
- Online Security for the Business Traveler
Today’s high-tech enabled businessperson travels with electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, etc. These devices offer new levels of productivity and efficiency, but they also become the weak link in the security chain: if a device is lost or stolen during travel, the resulting data breach can put the business in danger of physical, financial, and reputational loss. This book provides an overview of this often overlooked problem, explores specific security issues, and offers practical advice on what to do to ensure business security while traveling and engaging in online activity. It is an essential reference guide for any travelling business person or security professional.
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Miranda McCroskey – host of Lawpreneur Radio
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