What serves a Lawpreneur? Great Customer Service! Listen as Bill McCroskey of McCroskey Consulting discusses Customer Service: How to Be It. Great customer service is an experience we all seek and expect, and Bill has made it an art.
Bill has taken his years of experience as a Customer Service Manager in service companies, documented the process, and figured out a way to make a difference for companies looking to turn around. He knows what it takes to create a team to implement great customer service and retention, and he is eager to assist organizations and Lawpreneurs in building these processes into their operations to improve their customer’s experience of their service.
With 20 years of experience, Bill knows what a great experience looks like and he knows how to help Lawpreneurs provide that to their customer. Contact Bill at 657.210.1849
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Fail fast to succeed faster
- After layoff #1 from his customer service manager position, Bill determined he wanted to be a customer service consultant. However, when a full time position as a customer service manager at a struggling company was offered to him, he accepted. Four months later, he was laid off again when the company was put up for sale. Instead of being disappointed, he was inspired. He realized that what he achieved there was what he intended to achieve as a customer service consultant. Now he’s on his way.
Tell us something good
- Bill is finishing up his new book Customer Service: How to Be It, in which he discusses how companies, managers, and executives can take and train that great experience into their daily lives.
What’s on your desk?
- Bill offers his customer service consulting skills to smaller companies who are looking to raise their bottom line by improving their customers’ experiences.
Favorite Resource
- Bill suggests you make thorough notes in your customer relationship management system (CRM) to keep customer engagement high and maintain a strong rapport.
Favorite Books:
- As a Man Thinketh
Allen’s most famous book, today is considered a classic self-help book. Its underlying premise is that noble thoughts make a noble person, while lowly thoughts make a miserable person. In “As a Man Thinketh,” James Allen reveals how our thoughts determine reality. Whether or not we are conscious of it, our underlying beliefs shape our character, our health and appearance, our circumstances, and our destinies.
- Psycho-Cybernetics, A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life
Put more living in your life! Psycho‑Cybernetics is renowned doctor and professor Maxwell Maltz’s simple, scientific, and revolutionary program for health and success. Happiness and success are habits. So are failure and misery. But negative habits can be changed—and Psycho‑Cybernetics shows you how!
Favorite Quote of the Show in a One Minute Clip
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This information is coming to you to inspire you and drive you forward. Be bigger than you know yourself to be! If you haven’t already done so, please take a minute to leave a quick 5-star review rating and honest review on iTunes by clicking here. Miranda McCroskey – host of Lawpreneur Radio
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