183: Anabella Bonfa of Wellman & Warren LLP discusses becoming a Lawpreneur with us.

Anabella BonfaAnabella Bonfa is a litigator with Wellman & Warren LLP, handling business and partnership disputes, theft of trade secrets, and unfair competition. She lectures extensively on trade secrets, networking, and using social media to develop business.

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Fail fast to succeed faster

  • Anabella tells us that she was a young lawyer representing a car dealership in a fraud case.  Client was a great southern gentleman and the opposing counsel was a bully.  During a deposition she learned that it was her job to be the guardian of her client in the proceedings.

Tell us something good

  • Listen as Anabella tells us how much satisfaction she gets in finding the smoking gun when litigating a complex case.

What’s on your desk?

  • Anabella focuses her practice on Trade Secrets.
  • Anabella is also an expert on LinkedIn.

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Miranda McCroskey – host of Lawpreneur Radio

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